文|李金金會計師 Kim Li
接續上次的日文介紹,嘉威精選幾個外商客戶常問的問題,究竟在子公司、分公司、辦事處這三個當中,最符合您需求的選項是哪一個呢? 來了解重要的資訊吧。
Following our previous brief introduction relating to the frequently asked questions by our japanese clients who are interested in doing business in taiwan. This time we have the characteristics and difference of subsidiary, branch and representative office, to help you to make the most suitable investment decision.
Minimum number of key personnel 董監事人數
Annual corporate income tax filing 年度之所得稅結算申報
Application for foreign worker permit 申請外國人工作許可
Uniform invoice required? 統一發票
Eligible to provide labor insurance/national health insurance for employees? 是否可提供員工勞健保?
Eligible to invest in stock market & real estate in Taiwan? 是否可投資股票/房地產?
Annual corporate income tax filing
Minimum number of key personnel
Minimum number of key personnel
Minimum number of key personnel